The Artist


JosĂ© RamĂłn Trigo Sobrino was trained at Madrid’s Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, and at the Escuela TĂ©cnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, where he earned a matrĂ­cula de honor, Spain’s highest qualification, for his final project; he received the Álvarez Bouquel and Matrimonio Luque Foundation Awards from the Escuela TĂ©cnica Superior de Arquitectura for best «Projects» student; he was also given the Antonio Maura Award, one of Madrid’s «Villa Prizes», by the City Council of Madrid. JRT currently resides in Galicia (Spain).

Pintura intemporal- Jos? Ram?n Trigo - Pintor - Retratos - Encargos - Paisajes - Dibujos - Cuadros - Interpretaciones - Copias - Autor - Artista - Obra - Análisis - Comentarios - Detalles - Bocetos
Programming and design by ?lvaro Trigo L?pez